With our Green Rate, you save up to 20% per ride for selected vehicles compared to the regular price per kilometer.
Here's how you drive with our Green Rate:
Go to the map view in your MILES app.
Use the filter function on the right side of the screen to select the option "Green Rate" and click on "Apply filter".
Choose your preferred vehicle with a green %-icon from the map.
Start your rental and the rate will be applied to the ride.
Prices: Pay only €0.79 per kilometer for S & M vehicles & only €0.98 for L & XL, and for Premium vehicles only €1.09.
Validity: The Green Rate is valid for one trip and cannot be applied to any subsequent rides with the same vehicle.
Rate automation: If your ride at Green Rate exceeds a certain amount of km, the next cheapest rate will automatically apply.
Parking: Our regular parking minute prices apply to the Green Rate.
Good to know:
The vehicles with green "%" are also shown on the map if you don't use the filter function. You may just have to search for them a bit longer.
There's no vehicle with a Green Rate in your area, but you would still like to save permanently? Find all the information you need on our MILES Passhere.