YES! Even as a Rookie, you may travel with MILES to the following countries:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- France
- Italy
- Liechtenstein
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Switzerland
Please always inform yourself about the traffic regulations & special rules for Rookies in the respective country before you start your ride!
- Example: In France, you count as a driving beginner for a total of 2 years after receiving your driving license. For that period, you have to drive 20 km/h less than the actual speed limit. If you violate this rule, you can face heavy fines.
Please note:
As a Rookie, our S, L, and XL vehicles are available to you for trips abroad.
The surcharge for cross-border trips does not replace the Rookie Fee of €9 per month.
Did you know?
- With a MILES Pass Silver or Platinum you also save on rides abroad.
- Curious? Click here to find more information on our MILES Pass feature.